Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Podcast on One Day as a Kid

See full size imageOne Day as a Kid, looks at how a kid spends their typical day at the YMCA.

Interview Script with Jessie, a student at the YMCA.


Hello! Today we’re here in Laguna Niguel at John Malcom Elementary School at the YMCA, and today we’re going to be talking to one of the kids at the YMCA to see what their day is like here at John Malcom Elementary School.

Wow! There’s a lot of kids around here! Oh, excuse me! What’s your name?

Student: Jessie

Hi Jessie! How are you doing today?

Student: Good!

Hey, so you go to the YMCA?

Student: Yes.

Cool! And what grade are you in Jessie?

Student: Third grade.

Wow! Third grade! Do you have fun at the YMCA?

Student: Yes

Wow! So what do you do? After school you go to the YMCA, and what do you do next?

Student: We play games.

And what kind of games do you play?

Student: Handball outside.

Do you spend the whole time outside, or do you go inside?

Student: Inside, and we play the Wii.

Yeah! What kinds of things do you do when you’re inside? Besides playing the Wii?Do you guys have all sorts of games?

Student: Yeah.

Like what kinds of games?

Student: Air hockey.

Wow! Air hockey! I bet the boys like that one.

Student: Yes.

And you said you have the Wii. What else do you have?

Student: Basketball.


Student: you know like when…

When you shoot hoops?

Student: Yeah.

Cool! Wow! Are you good at that?

Student: Mmmm… yeah!

Okay, and what about, so you have the Wii, you have basketball, you have air hockey. Is there anything else that you do inside?

Student: Board games.

Board games! Oh, okay. Those are always fun, do you play like in a big group?

Student: Mmmhmm.

Awe! Okay so then you said outside, you said you guys play handball, what else?

Student: Big toy.

You guys play on the big toy, is that like a big playground?

Student: Yes.

Wow! So do you have like slides, and like monkey bars…

Student: …and swings.

And swings? Awe, cool! So then what do you do, so sometimes you go inside and sometimes you go outside. Is there anything else that you do at the YMCA?

Student: Snack. Healthy snacks.

Yeah! You guys have, what kinds of healthy snacks do you have?

Student: Crackers.

Crackers, and do you guys have fruits or vegetables?

Student: Yes.

What is your favorite fruit and vegetable?

Student: Grapes.

And what about your favorite vegetable?

Student: Green beans.

Green beans? Oh, well that sounds like you guys get lots of healthy nutritious food at the YMCA too!

Student: Yes.

And do you guys do homework at the YMCA?

Student: Yes.

Do you have lots of it?

Student: Yes. Sometimes.

Wow! Well that’s very cool! Who are your teachers at the YMCA?

Student: Miss Annie, Mr. Tim, Mrs. Michelle, Mrs. Allie, Mr. Evan, and Mrs. Ashley, and those are all our teachers.

Oh! So that’s, what? Six teachers and helpers? Wow! Do you enjoy being around them?

Student: Yes, I enjoy Annie.

Oh! Good! Well thank you Jessie for talking to me today! Hope you have fun at the Y!

Student: Thank you!


Student: Bye!

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